Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Political Sex Scandal


*Via AOL:

-Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned in disgrace Wednesday after getting caught in a call-girl scandal that shattered his corruption-fighting, straight-arrow image, saying: "I cannot allow my private failings to disrupt the people's work."

-With his wife, Silda Wall Spitzer, at his side, New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer announces his resignation at a press conference Wednesday. The move comes just days after news broke that he had been implicated in a prostitution ring. His resignation will take effect on Monday. He's the latest in a long line of politicians disgraced in sex scandals.

*Editors Thoughts: Isn't this the same dude that was exposing people years ago as Attorney General, SMH. Our new Gov. will be the first African American Gov. in NY history, SWEEEEET !!

*Side Note: The new Gov. is blind; so my boy said, "At least he wont be able to see the h*es..", LOL.